Timeless Early Burn Deals

We’re gearing up for the biggest holiday in the cannabis community with our Early Burn deals! Stock up for 4/20 and shop discounted Timeless House of Brands products this 4/02-4/20. With this head start, you can avoid the long lines and ensure you’re fully stocked with the finest products for 4/20.

Visit Timeless Deals to find Early Burn specials near you in Arizona, California, Missouri, Oklahoma, and Ohio for a limited time only.

The History and Meaning of 4/20

4/20 is not just a date on the calendar; it’s a celebration of cannabis culture, marked by gatherings, deals, and, of course, plenty of cannabis consumption! But how did this day become synonymous with cannabis?

The story begins in the early 1970s in California, with a group of high school students known as the “Waldos.” The Waldos would meet up at 4:20 p.m. after school to search for an abandoned cannabis crop they had learned about. While they never found the crop, their code for their quest, “420,” became a nickname for cannabis. Over time, 4/20 evolved into a full-fledged holiday, celebrated by cannabis enthusiasts around the world.

4/20 is more than just a day to enjoy cannabis; it’s a day to acknowledge the strides made in cannabis legalization and reform, and to advocate for further progress. It’s a day of unity where the community comes together to celebrate not just the plant, but the culture and freedoms that have been hard-fought over the years.